Archive for December, 2012

Updated BCP/Horner Bible Reading Plan

After roughly two weeks of experimentation, here is an updated version of the reading plan posted earlier.

BCP-Horner Bible Reading Plan – v4.2

If you’re interested, the changes were motivated primarily by the fact that reading John and Matthew simultaneously is unnecessarily confusing when you’re trying to keep track of Jesus’s life; being at two points in the same story at the same time does not lend itself to clarity. So, we changed things up a bit. We’ll see how long this version lasts before we make more changes!

***UPDATE, 3/1/2013***

Further updates can be found here.

Book of Common Prayer/Grant Horner Bible Reading Schedule

This is a plan for reading the Bible, geared toward starting with the new year. With a few adjustments, it adapts Professor Grant Horner’s Bible Reading System (for more information, and because I don’t know of a better link, see here) to the pattern of the daily offices of Morning and Evening Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer. There are Psalms, an Old Testament lesson, and a New Testament lesson for every morning and every evening. The Psalms are read through every month, strictly beginning at Psalm 1 on the first day of every month. The rest of the Bible is divided into groups, and one chapter from each group of books is read each day. When the end of a group of books is reached, the group simply begins again. So, while the Psalms repeat each month, the rest of the Bible repeats at varying intervals, causing the set of chapters read each day to change continually. The list of books in each group is fairly tentative, so feel free to change them around as you see fit. These readings can be used in place of the lectionary readings in the BCP’s Morning and Evening Prayer, or they can be read on their own. The main idea is to become familiar with the Bible as a whole, allowing the Bible to interpret itself as you master large portions of it. Here are a few suggestions, mainly from Prof. Horner:

  1. Read quickly; don’t focus on understanding every little detail. That will come with time.
  2. Use the same physical Bible every day. Over time, this allows you to become familiar with where in the book and where on the page a particular passage is located.
  3. Be flexible with your readings. Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day. Just keep going. Do whatever works best for you.

So, without further ado, here is the reading plan for your consideration:

BCP-Horner Bible Reading Plan – v3

***UPDATE, 12/31/2012***

We made a few changes, which you can find here.

***UPDATE, 3/1/2013***

And, further changes can be found here.